About Us

Welcome to Splash News Online, where clear, dynamic journalism shines brightly. We’re delighted to have you with us. Our site is dedicated to bringing you the latest celebrity news, providing accurate, insightful coverage you can rely on. Dive into the world of entertainment with us, where quality journalism meets the vibrant world of celebrities.


Our Mission and Values


Splash News Online is all about delivering news that doesn’t just inform, but also enriches your life. We’re deeply committed to accuracy and uphold values like integrity, impartiality, and a steadfast dedication to top-notch journalism. We see information as a powerful tool for change and are committed to covering every story with fairness.


How Our Journalists Work


Our journalists adhere to stringent ethical guidelines and journalistic standards throughout the editorial process. From meticulous news gathering to thoughtful publication, each step is guided by principles of accuracy and accountability. We ensure every story is told with the depth it deserves.


Editorial Policies


At Splash News Online, rigorous fact-checking and source verification are cornerstones of our publication process. We maintain editorial independence to ensure our reports are free from external influences. Our corrections policy is transparent—errors are addressed promptly, and we welcome readers to report any discrepancies.




Christine Miceli, Executive Producer

Christine Miceli leads as Executive Producer, drawing on vast experience in entertainment journalism to steer content strategy at Splash News Online. With a keen eye for trends and talent for fostering collaborative environments, Christine ensures the site remains at the forefront of breaking news in entertainment.


Rick Grimes, Executive Producer

Rick Grimes, co-Executive Producer, brings a dynamic approach to multimedia storytelling. Rick’s background in documentary filmmaking enriches his ability to present compelling narratives, making him instrumental in producing impactful features that resonate with diverse audiences.


Our Team


Led by experienced journalists and dedicated management staff, our team is diverse and skilled. From seasoned reporters to insightful editors, each member brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective to our newsroom, ensuring comprehensive coverage across various topics.


Community Engagement


Connecting with our audience is at the heart of everything we do. We provide a variety of ways for you to reach out and engage with us, including social media, emails, and comment sections. Additionally, we host public discussions to deepen our connection with the community through meaningful conversations.


Political Affiliation


Splash News Online is committed to impartial reporting. We have no political affiliations and uphold our editorial independence to deliver unbiased news.


Legal and Regulatory Compliance


We are committed to adhering to legal and ethical standards, ensuring our operations uphold the dignity of the journalistic profession.


Contact Information


For general inquiries, or editorial feedback, please contact us at contact@splashnewsonline.com. We value your input and look forward to hearing from you.


Got a tip for us? Our tip submission process is straightforward and secure, ensuring your privacy while allowing you to contribute to our news coverage. Please visit our Submit a Tip page for more details.


Thank you for choosing Splash News Online as your trusted news source. We are excited to continue bringing you the best in journalism.