Home>Entertainment>Adrian Peterson To Sue Over Unauthorized Sale Of MVP And Rookie Trophies

Adrian Peterson To Sue Over Unauthorized Sale Of MVP And Rookie Trophies Adrian Peterson To Sue Over Unauthorized Sale Of MVP And Rookie Trophies


Adrian Peterson To Sue Over Unauthorized Sale Of MVP And Rookie Trophies

Written by: Trisha Mishler

Get the latest news on Adrian Peterson's legal action against unauthorized sale of his MVP and Rookie trophies. Stay informed with the latest updates.

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Ex-NFL star Adrian Peterson is taking legal action after discovering that his 2012 Most Valuable Player and 2007 Rookie of the Year trophies were included in an auction without his consent. The former All-Pro running back, who earned over $100 million during his career, expressed shock and clarified that he is not in financial distress.

Key Takeaway

Adrian Peterson is taking legal action after discovering that his MVP and Rookie trophies were included in an auction without his consent, emphasizing that he is financially stable and would never sell off his hard-earned trophies or personal sports items.

Peterson’s Response to Unauthorized Auction

In a video statement, Peterson addressed the rumors and media reports, emphasizing that an estate sale company included his trophies in the sale despite clear instructions to leave personal items untouched. His representative, Denise White, explained that Peterson had hired the Texmex Auctions company to clear out a storage unit filled with old items, but there was no intent to include anything of personal value.

Unforeseen Inclusion in Auction

Peterson, who had multiple storage units across the country due to his extensive career in the NFL, was unaware that these specific items would be included in the sale. Despite attempts to contact the company and resolve the issue, Peterson and his representative have not received a response.

Peterson’s Stance and Legal Action

Emphasizing his financial stability, Peterson stated, “I did not authorize the sale of my trophies and am taking legal action. Trusting the company without supervision was my mistake. We allowed them to go into several of our storage units with clear instructions. They clearly did something unlawful.” He further added, “I want to emphasize that I am financially stable and would never sell off my hard-earned trophies or personal sports items.”

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