Home>Entertainment>Russell Brand Responds To Alleged Sexual Assault Accusations On ‘Arthur’ Movie Set

Russell Brand Responds To Alleged Sexual Assault Accusations On ‘Arthur’ Movie Set Russell Brand Responds To Alleged Sexual Assault Accusations On ‘Arthur’ Movie Set


Russell Brand Responds To Alleged Sexual Assault Accusations On ‘Arthur’ Movie Set

Written by: Calida Grace

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Russell Brand is vehemently denying accusations he got drunk on a movie set and sexually assaulted an actress. In new legal documents, Russell pushes back on a lawsuit alleging he exposed his penis to a woman on the set of the movie “Arthur,” and then sexually assaulted her in a bathroom.

Key Takeaway

Russell Brand vehemently denies the allegations of sexual assault on the set of the movie “Arthur,” stating that he was sober at the time and that the accuser is unable to distinguish acting from reality.

Russell’s Response

Russell claims he doesn’t recall the actress who is suing him over the alleged 2010 incident, and he says her entire suit rests on the false claim he was intoxicated on set. He asserts that he was just playing a drunk in the movie and that he hasn’t consumed any drugs or alcohol since December 13, 2002, claiming he was 8 years sober at the time of the alleged assault.

In the legal documents filed by his attorney Andrew Brettler, Russell states that the woman “is unable to distinguish acting from reality.” He emphasizes that his job was to “act drunk and portray a drunk,” but he did not drink any alcohol or consume any drugs during production.

Disputing the Allegations

Russell’s accuser, who is suing as a Jane Doe, claims that prior to the alleged assault, he “appeared intoxicated, smelled of alcohol, and was carrying a bottle of vodka on set.” Russell, however, says the vodka bottle was just a prop for the film and contained no real alcohol.

The woman alleges that Russell followed her into a bathroom where he sexually assaulted her, but he denies this, claiming that her memory is “faulty.” She also claimed she was hired to work on the movie for 3 days but wasn’t brought back after the alleged assault happened on her first day. Russell says he doesn’t recognize her by her name or photograph and doesn’t recall any interaction with her whatsoever.

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