Home>Entertainment>Former NFL Player Shareece Wright Accuses High School Trainer Of Sexual Assault

Former NFL Player Shareece Wright Accuses High School Trainer Of Sexual Assault Former NFL Player Shareece Wright Accuses High School Trainer Of Sexual Assault


Former NFL Player Shareece Wright Accuses High School Trainer Of Sexual Assault

Written by: Krystle Maple

Former NFL player Shareece Wright accuses high school trainer of sexual assault. Get the latest news on this shocking allegation. Stay informed with our updates.

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Former NFL player Shareece Wright has come forward with allegations of sexual assault against his high school football trainer, Tiffany Strauss-Gordon. Wright is one of 12 former high school football players who have accused the trainer of sexual assault, claiming that he was groomed into having an inappropriate relationship when he was a minor.

Key Takeaway

Former NFL player Shareece Wright has accused his high school trainer, Tiffany Strauss-Gordon, of sexual assault, shedding light on the importance of addressing and preventing such misconduct to protect young athletes and individuals.

Allegations of Sexual Assault

In an interview with ESPN, Shareece Wright revealed that Tiffany Strauss-Gordon, the daughter of then-head coach Harold Strauss, allegedly performed numerous sexual acts on him at the team facility when he was a member of the football team at Colton High School. Wright stated that he first met Strauss-Gordon in 2002 when he was 15 years old and she was 21. Over the next three years, he claimed that she would touch him inappropriately, perform oral sex on him while receiving treatment, and eventually, they had sex during team dinners at his coach’s home. Wright also mentioned that the interactions were known among the team, with his teammates referring to receiving oral sex from Strauss-Gordon as the “Tiffany treatment.”

Response and Legal Action

According to the allegations, the school was made aware of the situation back in 2011, which led to a temporary leave and internal investigation for Strauss-Gordon. However, she was allowed to return to her job after meeting with officials. Strauss-Gordon has denied the allegations but was placed on administrative leave after the players filed lawsuits against her and the school district in 2022. Despite the allegations, she has not faced charges from the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office due to insufficient evidence.

Speaking Out

Shareece Wright has spoken out about the alleged incidents, aiming to prevent similar issues from happening to young individuals in the future. His decision to come forward sheds light on the importance of addressing and preventing such misconduct to protect young athletes and individuals.

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