Home>Entertainment>Kim Kardashian’s Social Media Mix-Up: Wrong Picture For Death Row Inmate Ivan Cantu

Kim Kardashian’s Social Media Mix-Up: Wrong Picture For Death Row Inmate Ivan Cantu Kim Kardashian’s Social Media Mix-Up: Wrong Picture For Death Row Inmate Ivan Cantu


Kim Kardashian’s Social Media Mix-Up: Wrong Picture For Death Row Inmate Ivan Cantu

Written by: Leanora Bloodworth

Get the latest news on Kim Kardashian's social media mix-up, as she mistakenly shared a wrong picture for death row inmate Ivan Cantu. Stay informed with the latest updates.

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Kim Kardashian, known for her work in criminal justice reform, recently made a social media blunder that caused quite a stir. The reality star intended to shed light on the case of death row inmate Ivan Cantu, but mistakenly shared a photo of a completely different person with the same name.

Key Takeaway

Kim Kardashian mistakenly shared a photo of the wrong person while trying to raise awareness about the case of death row inmate Ivan Cantu, leading to unexpected consequences for the unrelated individual.

The Mix-Up

On Monday, Kim Kardashian posted the wrong photo of Ivan Cantu, inadvertently sharing an image of Ivan A. Cantu, a project manager from New York. This mistake led to a series of unexpected events for the unsuspecting New Yorker, who was celebrating his 60th birthday at the time.

Unintended Consequences

Upon realizing the error, Ivan A. Cantu was surprised to learn that his photo had been circulated to Kim’s massive following of 364 million people. While he acknowledged that mistakes happen, he expressed a desire for an apology given the scale of the mix-up.

Kim’s Response

After removing the mistaken post, Kim Kardashian replaced it with an op-ed from a local newspaper, refocusing attention on the case of the correct Ivan Cantu. She has been a vocal advocate for Ivan, who is currently facing a scheduled execution in Texas for the 2000 murders of his cousin, James Mosqueda, and Mosqueda’s fiancée, Amy Kitchen.

Call to Action

Kim Kardashian is urging her followers to sign a petition aimed at persuading the District Attorney to reconsider Ivan Cantu’s execution date, emphasizing the gravity of the situation and the need for further legal review.

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