Home>Entertainment>Kate Winslet Expresses Displeasure Over Ozempic After Learning About It

Kate Winslet Expresses Displeasure Over Ozempic After Learning About It Kate Winslet Expresses Displeasure Over Ozempic After Learning About It


Kate Winslet Expresses Displeasure Over Ozempic After Learning About It

Written by: Estell Bee

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Kate Winslet, the renowned actress, recently shared her thoughts on Ozempic, and it’s safe to say she’s not thrilled about it. While conversing with The New York Times Magazine, Winslet expressed her dismay after learning about the medication, all while enjoying a pastry.

Key Takeaway

Kate Winslet expressed her dismay after learning about Ozempic, emphasizing her disapproval of its off-label use for weight loss.

Kate’s Discovery of Ozempic

During her conversation with The New York Times Magazine, Winslet revealed that she had heard about “some pill that people are taking or something like that,” referring to Ozempic. Despite the murmurings, she was not familiar with its actual purpose.

Revelation and Reaction

Winslet was taken aback upon discovering that Ozempic, initially a type 2 diabetes drug, is used off-label in her native Britain for weight loss. She expressed her disapproval, deeming it “terrible” and even suggested that people should opt for consuming more food instead.

Personal Struggles and Advocacy

Winslet’s strong reaction can be understood in the context of the public scrutiny she has faced regarding her body, particularly since her iconic role in ‘Titanic’ in 1997. She candidly shared her past battles with an eating disorder, revealing how comments about her weight led her to internalize harmful beliefs about body image and beauty standards.

Empowerment and Resilience

Despite the challenges she has encountered, Winslet has emerged as a vocal advocate for body positivity and self-acceptance. She has been forthright in confronting those who comment on her weight, emphasizing the importance of embracing diverse body shapes and sizes.


Winslet’s candid remarks regarding Ozempic reflect her commitment to raising awareness about the complexities of body image and the impact of societal pressures. Her stance serves as a reminder of the significance of promoting holistic well-being and self-worth beyond conventional standards of beauty.

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